1974 also saw me departing from an established policy regarding my editorials in Transvestia. Up to issue #82 I had always devoted the Virgin Views column either to an essay on some aspect of cross dressing or to a report on one of my trips. But the world didn't look too good in 1974-and it looks ever worse today, So I devoted my column in #82 to the problems of economic survival and pointed to the desireability of having some silver and gold in your investments in order to hedge against inflation. In this article I discussed all the various ways one could invest and the pros and cons of each. Nothing I said then has changed but the situations, inflation, national debt, balance of payments, astronomical oil prices and a bleak economic future has, if anything, gotten worse. Those of you with any concern about investments and inflation hedging could do yourself a favor by getting that issue if you don't have it or re-reading it if you do.

In #83 I continued the series on survival and wrote about food and having some vacuum packed survival foods at hand. That situation hasn't developed as rapidly as was feared at that time, but there remain the same international problems of too many people, too little food and too expensive energy. I wrote about this because I had gotten interested in the field myself. One of my friends who had gotten me interested in the first place opened up a store to sell such items. I got the idea that I could help him out and all my other friends, too, by making up a list of names and addresses for him which I did. I also prepared a letter to go along with it signed by my legal name of Virginia Bruce which all the people who know nothing of my FP background know me by. I simply expressed my own interest in the subject and thought that they would find it of interest too so I had given their name and address to the store to send out mailing pieces to. This letter accompanied his literature.

Well, on this list I put the names of my doctor friends, my attorney, real estate broker, insurance agent, professional acquaintances and most everybody I knew, including the names of all the members of the L.A. chapter of FPE. I gave their legal names and addresses and nothing else, so there was absolutely no information regarding their FP activities. All of them got mail all the time under their own name for all kinds of purposes so one coming from a food store should have made no difference. But did it ever!

At the next meeting of the Alpha chapter of FPE, the founding chapter of the organization here in Los Angeles, I was going to